Casali Remodeling | Services | Bellingham, WA
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Casali Remodeling | Services

Casali Remodeling specializes in home remodels, renovations, new builds, custom decks, and interior design. We welcome you to view our portfolio and client testimonials to get a sense for our attention to detail and quality in each of these areas. From start to finish, you will be led with expertise and dependability through the entire process, including design, planning, construction, and final walkthrough. Whether you are looking at remodeling your current home, or you’d like a new garage, home or deck, Casali Remodeling has you covered.


Casali Remodeling excels in finding creative and cost-effective ways to expand your current space, incorporate new design elements, and integrate efficient and space-enhancing changes. Whether you are looking at a bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom remodel, are planning to add a suite or secondary living space, or are adapting your home to facilitate aging in place, we’re here to make it happen for you. Our in-house interior designer is available to lend her expertise in all design areas and works fluidly with our contracting team. Each project is carried out and completed with utmost attention to quality, design, and functionality. But don’t just take our word for it -  visit our portfolio page and read our client testimonials to check out some of our most recent remodels and read our great reviews!

New Builds

At Casali Remodeling, new builds are one of our favorite types of projects. There’s something magical about beginning with nothing and ending up with a beautiful and custom home, garage, shed or other types of structure. We truly enjoy every step of the process and we’re excited to work with you to make your new build a reality! For a peek at our most recent new builds check out our portfolio!

Interior Design

Casali Remodeling proudly offers the skills of our in-house interior designer who, if desired, will work with you on all the design elements of your project. An interior designer can help you with any decisions you may need to make on appliances, hardware, design, colors, etc. Because of the internal collaboration between our interior designer and our contracting team, we are able to share ideas and work seamlessly together to minimize time and cost and promote practicality.

Need a new deck or fence that does the job and also looks great? Call us. We believe that functionality and aesthetic should go hand-in-hand. Your custom deck or fence should not only get the job done but should complement the design of your home. We strive to provide the best quality materials and design to create the deck or fence of your dreams! Our most recent deck and fence projects are up on our portfolio.

For all of your remodeling, new build, deck/fence, and interior design needs, please give Casali Remodeling a call today!

We are pleased to offer a FREE phone consultation to all prospective clients.


Please use the form below to contact Casali Remodeling.

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