Casali Remodeling | Our Process | Bellingham, WA
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Our Process

Wondering how the process works? We’ve broken it down into an easy-to-interpret, step-by-step guide that outlines the procedure from start to finish. We stick to this process to ensure that your project finishes on schedule and on budget.


1. Phone Consult (FREE!)

So you have an idea for a remodel or new build. Step one: give us a call to discuss your project and we’ll talk you through the details. We want to hear your vision for your project and to give you clarity in any areas you’re unsure of. This initial phone consultation is provided at no charge and is 100% obligation-free. It’s a chance for you to get to know us, ask us any questions you may have and to share your initial vision for your remodel or new build.


2. Initial Meeting and Project Review/Idea Generation

In our initial meeting and project review, we listen closely as you share your vision for your project. We work with you to generate ideas and to discuss the possibilities and practicalities of the job. Our interior designer is available for planning and assistance in all aesthetic areas if desired. Our experience in the field of renovations and remodels has given us the expertise in helping you to fine-tune your vision and we won’t hesitate to suggest options that save you time and money. Above all, we want to make sure your ideas and goals are heard and respected. We listen closely and debrief to make sure we have understood each other well. We want the planning process to be fluid and fun!

3.Written Estimate and Deposit

Now that we’ve reviewed the details, generated some ideas, and decided on the best and most cost-effective way to execute your plan, it’s time to put things into writing. We’ll break down all of the costs, including materials, time, sub-contractors (if relevant), etc., and present this written estimate to you for approval. Casali Remodeling highly values transparency and so we strive to make this estimate as detailed and accurate as possible. We welcome any questions you may have and will gladly clarify and adjust as needed. Our goal is for you to be 100% comfortable as we finalize our plans and prepare to begin your project. Upon your approval and satisfaction of the written estimate, we will collect your initial deposit.


4. Plan for Permits, Subcontracts, etc.

Many projects require building permits and/or the skills of various subcontractors. You don’t have to worry about whether or not your house extension or new garage needs city approval or how to go about obtaining it - this is something we will take care of on your behalf. During this process, we’ll stay in constant communication with you to let you know what permits and fees will be necessary for your project. We’ll also begin our process of hiring any subcontractors we may need for the job. We always work with the best and most trusted companies and individuals to ensure that you receive the highest level of quality possible.


5. Agree Upon Start Date

Once all the above details are settled, we’ll work with you to set a start date for your project. At Casali Remodeling, we know that this may be a personal decision for you, especially if your remodel involves work inside of the home you currently live in. We’ll work with you to ensure a start date and time-frame that works well for you and your family and minimizes discomfort.


6. Project Commencement

And now the exciting part! You’ve shared and fine-tuned your plan with us and are comfortable with your estimate, timeframe and start date - now it’s time to get started! Our friendly and personable team will arrive at the site to begin your remodel or new build. As we progress, we welcome your input, questions, and presence. (If you want to be hands-off, that’s fine, too - we’ll keep you updated with regular communication regarding your project!) Should you change your mind or want to take your project in a new direction, don’t hesitate to let us know. We make flexibility a high priority, as our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. Remember, this is your project. 


7. Final Walk-Through

Upon completion of your project, we will do a final walk-through with you to ensure your satisfaction and answer any questions you may have. Since we work so closely with you during the process of the project itself, you’ll already be up-to-speed and familiar with what’s been happening. However, this final walk-through is important, as it gives you the final picture and an opportunity to express any changes or alterations you’d like, as well as to ask any final questions you may have.

8. Final Payment

Once we have completed the project, had our final walk-through, and ensured your 100% satisfaction, we will bill you for your final payment. It’s always hard to say goodbye to our clients after a project, and we welcome you to stay in touch with any future questions or feedback you may have!

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