Casali Remodeling | Working With Us | Bellingham, WA
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Will my remodel need a permit?

Speaking generally, a permit will be required if your remodel requires structural alterations, if the layout of the living area is being changed, or if you are planning a new build. Permits are required by law, protect both parties, and give you confidence that the job is being done correctly and according to the highest standards. We are fully experienced with permits and related regulations and will ensure that all aspects of your build or remodel are done by the books. We build permit and regulation requirements into our timeframe and billing and share it openly with you so that you can see the whole process and keep it for your records.

Does Casali Remodeling handle permits on my behalf?

Yes, we handle all the permits and inspections. You don’t have to worry about which permits you may need or how to obtain them - we take care of everything for you.

How will I be kept informed on the progress of my remodel or build?

At Casali Remodeling, we strive for the highest possible level of communication. We will be readily available to you in person, by phone, or email throughout the entirety of your project. You can expect thorough and consistent communication with your project manager and prompt responses to any questions you may have. Upon completion of the project, we will conduct a thorough walk-through with you to ensure 100% satisfaction and to address any outstanding questions you may have.

Do you help with design decisions, such as appliances and fixtures?

Absolutely. Our in-house interior design is available for consultation regarding all of the design aspects of your project. One of the advantages of having an interior design specialist on our team is cost-effectiveness. Together, our contractor and interior design specialist can communicate and streamline timeframes and cost of products to ensure that we save you time and money.

Do you do hire subcontractors or do everything on your own?

Every project is different, but we will hire subcontractors for any areas in which we may not be licensed (such as electrical work), or in cases where the subcontractor has the ability to get the job done faster than we would be able to. Since we believe in the highest quality work, we also hire subcontractors for portions of your project that require specialized skills.  We’ve worked with many experts in these fields and know which are trustworthy time- and cost-efficient and reliable. We only pick subcontractors with whom we have a good with rapport and know to offer top-quality work. Hiring subcontractors for specialized portions of your project ensures that every step is overseen by experts in the field and that you can have 100% confidence in the finished product.

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